
Here’s a little about my skillset.


Graphic Design

First and foremost I’m a graphic designer. I’ve got 10+ years studio experience taking a brief and working with my creative team. I begin conceptual and take the design through layout stages to final output, working with minimal direction or lots of direction.

Concepting, layout design & typography.



I love retouching (less so screen glare)! From clean-up and colour correction through to comping and high-end retouching: it’s a nice change of pace from design and another creative avenue to push myself.



While it’s more of a hobby for me, Illustration’s been a useful skill to have for the odd job: from simple vector characters to full-blown book cover illustrations.


Storyboard Artist

My Illustration skills lend themselves to storyboarding and scamps. I’m a big fan of presenting idea first, execution later; scamping up ideas is something I’m very glad to help out with.


Artworker & Layout Design

Taking a messy concept, and turning it into something printable and supplyable. I can artwork for print and finalise digital assets: resizes, minor amends, major amends, total redesigns, colour management, file management etc. The bread and butter. I’ve worked on all shapes and sizes from posters to press ads, wobblers to MRECs, tram wraps to micro sites.

InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma.

3D Project

3D, Animation, Motion Graphics

While not as comprehensive as my other skills, with the right amount of time I can create basic animation, videos and 3D.

After Effects, Premiere Pro, Cinema4D, Maya, Blender.