I helped bring Sip Safe artwork to life by retouching the demonstrative hand and band.

Sip Safe

A simple self test to detect if a drink may have been spiked.

 I helped bring Sip Safe artwork to life by retouching the demonstrative hand and band.

I helped bring Sip Safe artwork to life by retouching the demonstrative hand and band.

Table stand

Table stand

Table stand for the launch night. Retouch, layout design and cut+craft. The stand has a black pinstripe along all cut-edges, while the backing card can be easily detached for ease of transport.

 Info card, layout design.

Info card, layout design.

 Sip Safe won a gold Lion, two silvers and a bronze: and a Spike. I’m happy to see my little contribution help make to something big.

Sip Safe won a gold Lion, two silvers and a bronze: and a Spike. I’m happy to see my little contribution help make to something big.